Car hunting and laundry escapades
My poor buddy! She and I have been hunting all over town to find me a car. It's hard work! Many of the used cars look as if someone abandoned 4 dogs inside of them for a week. (Well, minus the slobber and dog hair.) I don't understand how people manage to damage the interior of their vehicles so much! People keep warning me to be cautious about who and where I buy a car from. Apparently, it is common practice here for people to import wrecked cars and fix them with strange parts. Because of this, I've been trying to look around at as many car dealerships as possible before calling people who are selling their own vehicles. Hopefully, I'll have a set of wheels by the end of the week. While I'm not exactly itching to drive on unfamiliar roads, I know I'm becoming a burden to my friends.
I had my first visit to the wasserette today. That, I believe, is Papiamentu for "laundromat." The woman washed, dried, and folded my clothes for me all on the same day! My buddy and I stayed late at school, and were late for the laundry pickup. I telephoned the lady at the wasserette 7 minutes before they closed, asking her in my terrible Spanish if she would wait a bit because I wanted to come and "wear" my clothes. (Can't you just imagine me trying to put all of my clothing on at one time?) The lady at the laundry place didn't even laugh and was gracious enough to stay 10 minutes past closing to wait for me to come claim my clothing. I think she's won a new customer.
Sorry about the multiple postings, guys. I erased the extra one and things should be back to normal!
Aloha Maya,
Today was the first chance I've had to check out your blog; I love it! I can't begin to describe to you how wonderful of an experience I've had in my short time at Kaimuki Middle School. The kids are fabulous; the teachers are pleasant and helpful; and the administration and staff are so supportive. I actually “love" teaching for the first time in a long time. My 8th grade Team leader is moving, so yours truly is taking her place. I'll continue to catch up with you through your blog. I'm so excited to learn about your future adventures in the Caribbean. Keep healthy, safe, and happy.
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