a loss
Bella the dog is no longer with us. My landlords recently returned from a month long trip. When they got home, they noticed that Bella was bleeding from her mouth. They rushed her to the vet, who confirmed their deepest fear: Bella had a recurrent cancer in her mouth. On the very day of returning from vacation, my poor landlords put their dog to sleep.
I felt horrible; I had been watching over things while they were gone and felt that this was somehow my fault. It isn't and wasn't, but I still feel that I should have done more or noticed more.
The house is quieter now. I am no longer greeted by a wagging tail, nor do I spend time coaxing an animal to come back inside the gate when I come and go. My students were saddened to learn of her passing; they had been writing stories inspired by my strange Tuesday night.
While Bella was smelly, she was without question one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. Another tail now wags in doggie heaven...

Hey Maya,
This is Brittney, from the airport, toting the lovely gnome Seamus. If you would like to reach me, my email is honisch@mydurango.net I also have a myspace profile at http://www.myspace.com/blitzney
I am very sorry to hear about Bella. The loss of a pet can be heartwrenching.... a loss of a wonderful familiarity.
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